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HASU Transparency - Finances Update April

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The latest financial dashboard for HASU is here with some info below on where we are currently at. 


April 2024 is a loss making month for the Students Union, larger than the budgeted loss. This is due to the Bar turnover being lower than forecast.

In April 2024, there was bar activity from 1 Wednesday night.

Bar takings for the month are £9,413 compared to £2,153 in April 2023 (which had no Wednesday nights due to Easter).

The bar takings year to date are up 9.5% on the prior year. The prime margin for this academic year to date is 62.9% compared to 60.5% last year.

At 30 April 2024, The Students Union is up £48,848 against year to date budget. 

HASU are looking at if some of this money can be reinvested in students i.e. changes to Varsity but also at this stage of the year we require a positive surplus to pay our bills when the Welly and The Barn are closed before the Summer Ball and after until financial year end (July 31st)

If you have any questions or want to chat about any of this please contact or pop into the Office.



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