News Article

Period Poverty at HASU

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As Harper Adam's Student's Union President, I have lobbied the University for the provision of free sanitary products on campus since taking office in June 2023 - this work has built on the work of previous Presidents. This work fits aptly under each of the 3 pilars the officers have set out to work under: Good Health and Wellbeing, Value for Money (Cost of Living) and Responsible Consumption and Production. Period dignity affects all menstruators whether that be physically, mentally, socially or economically and so with great pride, I am delighted to share that HASU has been green-lighted to launch a pilot-scheme of supplying free sanitary products on campus. Commencing in the ground floor Faccenda facilities, Kaldi cafe female toilets and the VEC female facilities, I hope to gather enough data to demonstrate that a wider roll-out of the scheme is needed by students and staff in our community; from the commencement of menstruation to menopause, anyone who menstruates should be able to access the products they need. Grace and Green was the provider of choice given their product specifications (environmental and human health) and their other user benefits including access to free menstrual health courses and product discount codes. Please see below the paper put forward to the University below. 



We are now a Period Dignity University! 

1 in 10 young menstruating people in the UK cannot afford period products, impacting mental health and access to education. 

Harper Adams Students’ Union & Harper Adams University Student Services have chosen to partner with Grace & Green to:

 - Ensure access to sustainable and safe period products for all our students and staff

 - Create an inclusive environment

 - Promote sustainability through plastic-free and organic period products

 - Combine access with education to go further in breaking taboos.

The simple action of providing such products can ensure the comfort, productivity, and wellbeing of our students and staff at Harper. Organisations such as ours are integral to tackling the climate and plastic crisis. With 4.3 billion period products being used each year, and many of these containing up to 90% plastic, organisations can play a role in supporting the move towards sustainable periods.

We are proud to work with Grace & Green to provide sustainable, certified-organic products that care for our people and the planet and we are excited to see the impact our partnership will have on our community!


#perioddignity #endperiodpoverty #peopleandculture #inclusion #sustainability


Use code HARPERIOD for 15% off one-time purachses or code DIGNITY30 for up to 30% off home delivery.


Visit to access a FREE, CLINICALLY BACKED online course to help manage your cycle symptoms and feel empowered when seeking medical support.





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