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Tips for studying at home

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With everything going on at the moment, we’ve all had to adjust to life working from home. Now, as fun as it may sound at first, it can be hard to find the motivation to get work done when you’re confined to the same environment, day in and day out. With more assignments being handed out to replace exams, you need to get yourself into a working routine to make sure you are as productive as possible. 
Here are a few tips to help you stay motivated and on the right track when it comes to your assignments…

1.    Get up and get dressed! – Remember, before Covid-19, you would wake up, get dressed and go to lectures (hopefully). So, this shouldn’t be any different, just because you’re now working from home. Get into a routine of getting up and out of your PJ’s to get yourself motivated for your day of studying. 

2.    Give yourself reasonable goals for each day – Each morning set yourself realistic goals for the day. Don’t set yourself too much work to do in one day otherwise you’ll feel yourself rushing and the quality of your work will decrease. 

3.    Proofread all your work – Make sure you are proofreading all your assignments to be certain you are submitting the best work possible. Take some time out of each day to proofread all of your work. 

4.    Keep in touch with your teachers and tutors – Just because you’re not at university, doesn’t mean that you can’t reach out to your teachers if you have a problem or any questions. 

5.    Organise your studies – Being organised in these uncertain times is crucial for all students, especially now that daily routines have drastically changed. Organise your time effectively so that you manage your workload as efficiently as possible. Create a study timeline and make sure you prioritise important tasks, setting time limits to complete each task. 

6.    Writing assignments- Before you start writing your assignments, make sure you understand what the question or statement is asking you. This includes the subject matter and also how you are asked to write and once you have this figured out, make sure you structure your assignment. Break it down into sections, and conquer each section at a time. 

7.    Sleep- Just because you’re working from home, doesn’t mean you should be up all night binge-watching Netflix. Make sure you get a good amount of sleep throughout the week to keep your productivity high.  

8.    Breaks – Make sure you give yourself plenty of breaks away from work. Working long hours with no breaks can damage your productivity, so it's always a good idea to break down your day with 15-30 minute breaks to let your mind relax. 

9.    Take care of yourself – In these difficult times, it’s important to take care of yourself, physically and emotionally. Make sure you take time out of your day to get some exercise and relax. Give yourself some ‘me’ time and look after your mental health. 

Remember, the university still has a range of online facilities, designed to help you carry on with your studies despite the circumstances.
