Election Posts

SU Elections 2024

Vote here to decide who will lead your Students' Union in 2024-2025!

The polls have closed.


The President ensures that students are represented at every level within the university, locally and nationally, and helps to support the effective day to day running of Harper Adams Students' Union. The President’s further responsibilities include looking at the strategic processes of the SU, and ensuring effective democracy within the Union.
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Vice President

Inclusion and Engagement. The Vice-President’s responsibilities include engaging with the Academic Representation structures within the university and ensuring effective pastoral support on an individual and collective basis, developing and ensuring effective well-being and a range of diverse campaigns.
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Academic Postgraduate Rep

The Academic Postgraduate Rep will champion campaigns related to Course Rep feedback and PG student issues to ensure that the student body’s academic interests are reflected through the activities of the Union.
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Academic Undergraduate Rep

The Academic Undergraduate Rep will champion campaigns related to Course Rep feedback and student issues to ensure that the student body’s academic interests are reflected through the activities of the Union.
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RAG Chair

The RAG Chair will be the ambassador for all of RAG’s activities, and ensure that where possible all activities are reflected through the activities of the Union.
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Women's Rep

The Women's Rep is responsible for representing all women on campus and leading campaigns on issues relevant to their community. They will gather regular feedback from women and are responsible for reporting that feedback in meetings and committees.
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Sports and Societies Rep

The Sports & Societies Rep will attend meetings with the Sports and Societies Officer to support the creation and integration of new socialites on campus. They will represent societies by gathering regular feedback from these communities and reporting the feedback in meetings and committees.
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The BAME Rep is responsible for representing all Black, Asian, and minority students on campus and leading campaigns on issues relevant to these communities. They will gather regular feedback and are responsible for reporting that feedback in meetings and committees.
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The LGBTQ+ Rep is responsible for representing all LGBTQ+ students on campus and leading campaigns on issues relevant to this community. They will gather regular feedback from LGBTQ+ students and are responsible for reporting that feedback in meetings and committees.
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Disabled Students Rep

The Disabled Rep is responsible for representing all students on campus with a disability and leading campaigns on issues relevant to this community. They will gather regular feedback from students with disabilities and are responsible for reporting that feedback in meetings and committees.
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Commuter Student Rep

The Commuter Rep is responsible for representing all students who commute to campus and leading campaigns on issues relevant to this community. They will gather regular feedback from commuters and are responsible for reporting that feedback in meetings and committees.
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Student Trustee (2 places)

Student Trustees are ultimately responsible, individually and collectively, for all activity within the Union. As a member of the HASU Board of Trustees, you will be responsible for setting the values, direction and visions of the organisation and for ensuring the delivery of organisational purpose.
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Student Welfare Rep

The Welfare Rep is responsible for campaigning on issues relevant to student welfare on campus. They will gather regular feedback from students and are responsible for reporting that feedback in meetings and committees.
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International Student Rep

The International Student Rep will champion campaigns related to international students and student issues to ensure that international students’ interests are reflected through the activities of the Union.
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