The student union is one of the main foundations of the university, with our aim to improve relations and create a united student body. This is done through the organisation and running of different events through out the year such as Christmas ball, Hobgobblins and all themed Wednesday nights in the bar. We offer a wide variety of clubs and societies ranging from rugby to polo, with numerous teams this allows for all abilities to participate in regular BUCS fixtures. Along side the traditional sports the SU helps to fund societies such as gaming and HOPS. By getting involved this gives many individuals the opportunity to try new sports and meet new people.

Not only does our student union benefit the student body at Harper Adams, but it also positively impacts upon the lives of other individuals through the aid of our RAG team. Last year RAG team raised over £30,000 for various charities, funds were raised through many different events. The main highlights being RAG week, RAG lost and the RAG mystery tour. With regards to the academic side of student life, regular meetings take place between the student union and the academic standards committee in order to voice the opinions of students in the hope to create a better learning environment.